Photo Gallery  4                Merry Wives of Windsor  2011

                                                 Falstaff and 'friends' at the Garter Inn
Gerry Fear, Derrick Fear, Mark Prescott, Barry Prescott, John Emmett Mulligan, James Kay

 Mark Prescott, Barry Prescott, John Emmett Mulligan James Kay

 Barry Prescott,  James Kay  John Emmett Mulligan

  Barry Prescott, John Emmett Mulligan, James Kay John Emmett Mulligan, James Kay

Mark Prescott, James Kay Mark Prescott, Barry Prescott

    Mark Prescott, Gerry Fear, Barry Prescott, Derrick Fear

 Barry Prescott, Nick Fawdrey, James Kay, John Emmett Mulligan, Pauline Garland

Nick Sample, James Kay  Nick Fawdrey, Nick Sample, James KayNick Fawdrey, James Kay   James Kay, Pauline GarlandJames Kay, Nick Sample  Pauline Garland, James Kay
 Pauline Garland James KayBarry Prescott Mark  PrescottGerry Fear, Derrick Fear